Working From Home Rituals and Necessities to Inspire


Because of COVID-19, the Warp & Phil family is doing our best to stay safe and stay home. To stay connected to each other, we wanted to share how some of our employees are adapting to the working-from-home lifestyle. We decided to show off their various office setups and ask them each, “What is your working from home necessity or ritual?” for some inspiration and insight into our new, strange circumstances. Read on for their answers and to get some ideas for your own WFH setup!

I, along with most of the workforce, am working from home due to the spread of Covid-19. I am fortunate that as an empty nester I have no interruptions and stay laser focused. I greatly miss the personal interaction.
— Barry Oltsik
Working from home comes with a lot of distractions, so I like to be as organized as possible. My morning routine includes cleaning up my desk space, filling up my gallon of water (I like to stay hydrated!), and eating a wholesome breakfast before I get to work.
— Jamie Prendergast
I need to shower, style my hair, put on pants (with a belt), and lace-up shoes. I need to feel like I’m somewhat going into the actual office.
— Sam Komosa
By creating a dedicated space to work from, I find it makes the WFH experience enjoyable and far more normal. I presume ample storage would also be a necessity, because as a condo dweller and amateur artist, I don’t have much room for error when it comes to rearranging spaces.
— Callie England
Keeping my space clean and organized over the past few weeks has kept me sane! My workspace and house have been spotless.
— Austin Chapman
I start each morning with a strong cup of coffee and I usually have another in the afternoon. I listen to a podcast or an upbeat playlist for background noise to help stay focused. I go out for a short walk during my lunch break for some fresh air and a change of scenery.
— Sally Brown
My work from home necessities are: to have the window open or blinds up, a nice cup of coffee (that doesn’t have to be in a to-go mug), and stolen plants from all over my house to keep on my desk. I also MUST have a pillow behind my hard dining room chair- I think I took our office chairs for granted! Also, to be close to my dog at all times, partly because I love him and partly because he will definitely eat something he shouldn’t if I’m not watching him.
— Hailey Barth
From the first day I started working from home I always get up, shower and get ready as if I was still going into the office. Before I start I make sure my co-worker is happy ( aka. Brutus, my dog ). Coffee is a must-have, and music is also a must-have as it helps block out other noise that may be going on outside. I found that when you work from home you tend to sit at the desk for longer periods of time so I try to remind myself to get up and stretch once in a while.
— Amy Payne
Since working from home, my morning necessity has changed from hot coffee to iced. We’ll see if I can continue this ritual once we are back in the offices at FQ!
— Chance Lowe
I’ve been getting up, making a latte and going for a walk to wake up. Then when I get back to “the office” (my former sewing table) I put on a documentary for some light background conversation while I get work started.
— Michelle Brox
My morning ritual working from home consists of setting up my desk, adjusting the blinds in my apartment for optimal lighting, and getting my breakfast made. At lunch, I will go on my balcony to experience outside for the first time. Mid-afternoon, I’ll share light banter with my roommate before finishing up the day.
— Brian Jaeger

We hope you enjoyed hearing from some of our employees!

As always, we at Warp & Phil hope you are staying safe, healthy and productive during these times.


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